Easily upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 10 using SCCM
Now that’s a big jump. But our SCCM task sequence deployment orchestrator makes upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 10 a breeze. Using the SCCM task sequence deployment orchestrator, you can do the following in addition to Upgrading from WindowsXP to Windows 10.
- Unlock bit locker if the drive was encrypted.
- Add the device to SCCM collections before the task sequence begins.
- Add the device to Active Directory groups before the task sequence begins.
- Format the drive using industry standards.
- Choose SCCM applications to install during the task sequence.
- Automatically identify the name of the device without having to look for it.
- Capture and restore user data without running complicated scripts or processes.
- Assign primary users for the device.
- Check out the following demonstration video.
SCCM task sequence deployment orchestrator helps organizations easily upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 10.
Website ==> https://sccmtspsi.com/sccmtspsi