
ERR180.352The option 'Allow deployment to only approved hardware device models ' is set to 'True' and the hardware device model is not in the approved hardware list.Identify the value of the Model property of the 'win32_computersystem' wmi class and add it to approved hardware list in the configuration file.
ERR181Unknown login error. Reason for the error could not be determined. Identify where in the process the failure happened.
ERR175, ERR177Content transfer location / profiles location is not set in the configuration file.
ERR173, ERR174Logging location not set in the configuration file.
ERR169, ERR169.2 Operating system disk volume label not set in the configuration file.
ERR168, ERR168.1OS disk number not set in the configuration file.
ERR178, ERR178.1, ERR179The USMT rule file(s) is/are not located in the USMT sub-folder of the realm configuration directory. If it is there then check the permissions for the realm broker account.
ERR161.2, ERR161.3, ERR161.4The USMT config file (config.xml or something.xml) is not located in the USMT sub-folder of the realm configuration directory. If it is there then check the permissions for the realm broker account.
ERR161.0, ERR161.1Could not connect to the USMT sub folder within the realm configuration directory. Check if the realm broker account has all the documented permissions set.
ERR141, ERR141.1, ERR146, ERR146.1There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR149, ERR147, ERR147.1, ERR147.4There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR147.5, ERR147.8, ERR147.9, ERR147.2There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR147.3, ERR147.6, ERR147.7, ERR147.10There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR147.11, ERR148, ERR148.1, ERR149There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR149.1, ERR150.2, ERR150.0, ERR150.3There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR156, ERR157, ERR158, ERR159, ERR160There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR160.1, ERR164, ERR164.1, ERR165, ERR165.1There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR166, ERR167, ERR170, ERR171, ERR172, ERR172.1There is a problem with the configuration file for the realm. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR140, ERR140.1, ERR140.2Configuration file version mismatch with sccmtspsi application. Are you using a old configuration file. Try recreating the configuration file.
ERR123License token not available for the operator.
ERR121Has the operators account been deleted and recreated. The license token has to be re-issued. Charges will apply. Please contact us.
ERR119License token not issued for use with the domain. Has the domain name changed? If yes, The license token has to be re-issued. Charges will apply. Please contact us.
ERR118Has the operators company which is the active directory attribute [company] changed? If yes, The license token has to be re-issued. Charges will apply. Please contact us.
ERR117Has the operators country which is the active directory attribute [co] changed? If yes, The license token has to be re-issued. Charges will apply. Please contact us.
ERR116.0Has the operators city which is the active directory attribute [l] changed? If yes, The license token has to be re-issued. Charges will apply. Please contact us.
ERR115The license token is not assigned to be used with the Realm name.
ERR114.1Has the operators active directory [mail] attribute changed? If yes, The license token has to be re-issued. Charges will apply. Please contact us.
ERR114Email address associated with the token is incorrect. Did this token work before?
ERR112Has the operators active directory attribute [givenname] changed. If yes, The license token has to be re-issued. Charges will apply. Please contact us.
ERR108.3The license token has expired. Please buy a new token.
ERR108.21The token is not licensed to be used with the running version of sccmtspsi.
ERR108.12,ERR108.13,ERR108.2The license token failed its authenticity check / Validation failed. Has it been tampered? Try using the token that we originally sent you.
ERR108.22,ERR108.31,ERR108.4The license token failed its authenticity check / Validation failed. Has it been tampered? Try using the token that we originally sent you.
ERR108.41,ERR108.5,ERR108.51The license token failed its authenticity check / Validation failed. Has it been tampered? Try using the token that we originally sent you.
ERR108.6,ERR108.61,ERR108.7The license token failed its authenticity check / Validation failed. Has it been tampered? Try using the token that we originally sent you.
ERR108.8,ERR108.9,ERR108.10The license token failed its authenticity check / Validation failed. Has it been tampered? Try using the token that we originally sent you.
ERR112.1,ERR114.2,ERR115.2The license token failed its authenticity check / Validation failed. Has it been tampered? Try using the token that we originally sent you.
ERR116.1,ERR117.1,ERR118.1The license token failed its authenticity check / Validation failed. Has it been tampered? Try using the token that we originally sent you.
ERR119.1,ERR121.1,ERR122.2The license token failed its authenticity check / Validation failed. Has it been tampered? Try using the token that we originally sent you.
ERR108.1, ERR108.11The license token is either corrupt or tampered.
ERR108.03, ERR108.05Error acquiring license token from the token repository.
ERR108.02, ERR108.04No demo or paid tokens were available in the token repository.
ERR108.0, ERR108.01Could not connect to the token repository. Check if the realm broker account has all the documented permissions to the token sub directory inside the realm configuration directory.
ERR105.41, ERR105.42The realm limiting collection is either not setup or the realm broker account does not have access to it.
ERR105.1, ERR105.2, ERR105.31, ERR105.32SCCM deployment collection for the realm could not be found. If it exist, check if the realm broker account has the necessary permissions to the deployment collection.
ERR105The realm broker account could not connect to the SCCM server.
ERR106.14, ERR106.15[objectGUID] attribute of the Domain could not identified.
ERR139, ERR139.1The realm broker account is either deleted, or its password is incorrectly set in the configuration file or the broker account is locked.
ERR138.1, ERR138.2The configuration file [sccmtspsi.config] is either corrupted or tampered. Please recreate the configuration file.
ERR137, ERR137.1, ERR137.2Check if the [sccmtspsi.config] file is there in the realm configuration directory. If yes, check the operators effective permission to the file. Refer to the documentation for setup instructions.
ERR107, ERR107.1Configuration drive connect error. Check if the permissions are setup as documented for the sccmtspsi configuration directory for the realm.
ERR106.18, ERR106.19[objectGUID] attribute not identified for the operators active directory account.
ERR106.13Error reading country attribute of the operators active directory account.
ERR106.12[co] country attribute is not set in the operators active directory account.
ERR106.11Error reading [l] which is the city attribute of the operators active directory account.
ERR106.10[l] which is the city attribute is not set for the operators active directory account.
ERR106.9Error reading [company] attribute of the operators active directory account.
ERR106.8[company] attribute not set for the operators active directory account.
ERR106.64Error reading [givenName] attribute of the operators active directory account.
ERR106.63[givenname] attribute not set for the operators active directory account.
ERR106.62Error reading [displayName] attribute of the operators active directory account.
ERR106.61[displayname] attribute not set for the operators active directory account.
ERR106.5Error reading [mail] attribute of the operator from active directory.
ERR106.4The operators email address assigned to [mail] attribute in active directory has an incorrect format.
ERR106.3[mail] attribute not set in the operators active directory account. is a required attribute.
ERR104.3, ERR104.4The login account is not a part of the Realm security group.
ERR104, ERR104.1, ERR104.2Could not authenticate to the domain with the supplied credentials.
ERR103Domain should respond to a ping request. Is ICMP turned off? or blocked in the firewall.
ERR100.3Configuration error. Please try again. Something failed in the login sequence.
ERR100No IP address assigned. Check your network connection and restart.
ERR090Startup failed. Check details corresponding to error ERR096, ERR097, ERR095. Restart and try again.
ERR098Realm name should be 3 characters in length.
ERR096, ERR097

One or more input parameters missing or incorrect or null. Please refer to our documentation page => 

ERR095The sccmtspsi application interface should only be run from within Windows pre-execution environment downloaded from Please read the documentation to further your understanding on how sccmtspsi should be initiated from within WINPE.