Install Microsoft Updates using PowerShell

Install software updates PowerShell script

The attached script installs or uninstalls Microsoft Updates in the last ‘N’ days. I’ve used PSAppDeployToolkit to accomplish the task. The script uses whatever update source is made available to the machine to download and install the updates.

This can be deployed using SCCM if Software Update Point is turned off or if you prefer a Package deployment method of distributing software updates.

Logging is done to: C:\Windows\Logs\Software

Install MS Updates:

The below command will SILENTLY install all the updates released (Approved: if using WSUS) in the last 10 days from WSUS (if configured, or uses Microsoft Windows Update site).

.\Deploy-Application.EXE -DeploymentType Install -DeployMode Silent -Updatesince 10


The below command will INTERACTIVELY install all the updates released (Approved: if using WSUS) in the last 10 days from WSUS (if configured, or uses Microsoft Windows Update site).

.\Deploy-Application.EXE -DeploymentType Install -DeployMode Interactive -Updatesince 10


Uninstall MS Updates:

The below command will SILENTLY Uninstall all the updates installed in the last 10 days.

.\Deploy-Application.EXE -DeploymentType UnInstall -DeployMode Silent  -Updatesince 10


 The below command will INTERACTIVELY Uninstall all the updates installed in the last 10 days.

.\Deploy-Application.EXE -DeploymentType UnInstall -DeployMode Interactive  -Updatesince 10

Full script :

See attachment at the top.

Param ( 
    [string]$DeploymentType = "Install", 
    [string]$DeployMode = "silent", 
    [switch] $AllowRebootPassThru = $False, 
    [switch] $TerminalServerMode = $false, 
    [switch] $ForceRestartMode = $True, 
    [int] $Updatesince = 1 
Try { 
# Variables: Application 
$appVendor = "UOA" 
$appName = "Install or Uninstall Windows Updates" 
$appVersion = [version]"1.0" 
$appArch = "" 
$appLang = "EN" 
$appRevision = "01" 
$appScriptVersion = "1.0.0" 
$appScriptDate = "02/07/2014" 
$appScriptAuthor = "Topaz Paul" 
# Variables: Script - Do not modify this section 
$deployAppScriptFriendlyName = "Deploy Application" 
$deployAppScriptVersion = [version]"3.1.2" 
$deployAppScriptDate = "04/30/2014" 
$deployAppScriptParameters = $psBoundParameters 
# Variables: Environment 
$scriptDirectory = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition 
# Dot source the App Deploy Toolkit Functions 
If ($deploymentType -ne "uninstall") { $installPhase = "Pre-Installation" 
function Get-WIAStatusValue($value) 
   switch -exact ($value) 
      0   {"NotStarted"} 
      1   {"InProgress"} 
      2   {"Succeeded"} 
      3   {"SucceededWithErrors"} 
      4   {"Failed"} 
      5   {"Aborted"} 
$installPhase = "Installation" 
    # Is reboot pending 
    if ($(Get-PendingReboot).RebootPending) {   
            Write-Log "The system is pending reboot from a previous install or uninstall." 
    # Prompt the user if not silent mode: 
    Show-InstallationWelcome -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 3 -CloseAppsCountdown "120" 
    # Show Progress Message (with the default message) 
    Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "Installing Security Updates. Please Wait..."  
    if ((Get-Service -Name wuauserv).Status -ne "Running"){ 
        Write-Log "WSUS Service is stopped: Restarting the service" 
        Set-Service  wuauserv -StartupType Automatic 
        Start-Service -name wuauserv 
    $needsReboot = $false 
    $UpdateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session 
    $UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher() 
    Write-Log " - Searching for Updates" 
    $SearchResult = ($UpdateSearcher.Search("IsAssigned=1 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0")).Updates 
    Write-Log "$($SearchResult.Count) updates in total. But checking for assigned updates in the last $Updatesince days." 
    $SearchResult = $SearchResult | Where-Object {$_.LastDeploymentChangeTime -gt ((Get-Date).Adddays(-$Updatesince))} 
    if (!($SearchResult)) { 
        Write-Log "0 updates have been assigned to this machine in the last $Updatesince days." 
        Exit-Script -ExitCode 0 
    Write-Log "$($SearchResult.Count) updates in the last $Updatesince days. Starting to install $($SearchResult.Count) updates..." 
    $SearchResult = $SearchResult | Sort-Object LastDeploymentChangeTime -Descending # Sort updates 
    foreach($Update in $SearchResult) { 
        # Add Update to Collection 
        $UpdatesCollection = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl 
        if ( $Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0 ) { $Update.AcceptEula() } 
        # Download 
        Write-Log " + Downloading - $($Update.Title)" 
        $UpdatesDownloader = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader() 
        $UpdatesDownloader.Updates = $UpdatesCollection 
        $UpdatesDownloader.Priority = 3 
        $DownloadResult = $UpdatesDownloader.Download() 
        $Message = "   - Download {0}" -f (Get-WIAStatusValue $DownloadResult.ResultCode) 
        Write-Log "$message"  
        # Install 
        Write-Log "   - Installing Update" 
        $UpdatesInstaller = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller() 
        $UpdatesInstaller.Updates = $UpdatesCollection 
        $InstallResult = $UpdatesInstaller.Install() 
        $Message = "   - Install {0}" -f (Get-WIAStatusValue $DownloadResult.ResultCode) 
        Write-Log "$message" 
        $needsReboot = $installResult.rebootRequired 
        if ((Get-Service -Name wuauserv).Status -ne "Running"){ 
            Write-Log "WSUS Service is stopped: Restarting the service" 
            Set-Service  wuauserv -StartupType Automatic 
            Start-Service -name wuauserv 
    if (($needsReboot) -or ($(Get-PendingReboot).RebootPending)) { 
        Write-Log "Reboot required: One or more of the installed update(s) require a reboot" 
        if ($DeployMode -match "silent") { 
            Write-Log "Deployment mode is SILENT. Forcing a reboot without any notification" 
            restart-computer -Force 
        } else { 
            Write-Log "Deployment mode is INTERACTIVE. The script Will notify user about the reboot" 
            Show-InstallationRestartPrompt -Countdownseconds 600 -CountdownNoHideSeconds 60 
$installPhase = "Post-Installation" 
} ElseIf ($deploymentType -eq "uninstall") { $installPhase = "Uninstallation" 
    # Prompt the user to close the following applications if they are running: 
    Show-InstallationWelcome -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 3 -CloseAppsCountdown "120" 
    # Show Progress Message (with a message to indicate the application is being uninstalled) 
    Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "Uninstalling Security Updates. Please Wait..."  
    if ((Get-Service -Name wuauserv).Status -ne "Running"){ 
        Write-Log "WSUS Service is stopped: Restarting the service" 
        Set-Service  wuauserv -StartupType Automatic 
        Start-Service -name wuauserv 
    $Updates = ((New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateUpdateSearcher()).Search("IsInstalled = 1").Updates # Retrieve installed updates 
    Write-Log "$($Updates.Count) updates total" 
    #$Updates = $Updates | Where-Object {$_.LastDeploymentChangeTime -gt ((Get-Date).Adddays(-$Updatesince))} 
    $Updates = Get-UOAHotfix|Where-Object {$_.Installedon -gt ((Get-Date).Adddays(-$Updatesince))} 
    $Updates = $Updates | Sort-Object Installedon -Descending # Sort updates 
     if (!($Updates)) { 
        Write-Log "0 updates have been installed on this machine in the last $Updatesince days." 
        Exit-Script -ExitCode 0 
    Write-Log "$($Updates.Count) updates in the last $Updatesince days. Starting to Uninstall $($Updates.Count) updates..." 
    Foreach($Update in $Updates) { 
        if ((Get-Service -Name wuauserv).Status -ne "Running"){ 
            Write-Log "WSUS Service is stopped: Restarting the service" 
            Set-Service  wuauserv -StartupType Automatic 
            Start-Service -name wuauserv 
        $ID = $($Update.HotFixID -replace 'KB', '') 
        Write-Log "Removing KB$ID" 
        Invoke-Expression "wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:$ID /quiet /log /norestart" 
        while (@(Get-Process wusa -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Count -ne 0) { Start-Sleep 1 } 
    if ($(Get-PendingReboot).RebootPending) { 
        Write-Log "Reboot required: One or more of the Uninstalled update(s) require a reboot" 
        if ($DeployMode -match "silent") { 
            Write-Log "Deployment mode is SILENT. Forcing a reboot without any notification" 
            restart-computer -Force 
        } else { 
            Write-Log "Deployment mode is INTERACTIVE. The script Will notify user about the reboot" 
            Show-InstallationRestartPrompt -Countdownseconds 600 -CountdownNoHideSeconds 60 
} } Catch {$exceptionMessage = "$($_.Exception.Message) `($($_.ScriptStackTrace)`)"; Write-Log "$exceptionMessage"; Exit-Script -ExitCode 1} # Catch any errors in this script  
Exit-Script -ExitCode 0 # Otherwise call the Exit-Script function to perform final cleanup operations 


The PSAppDeployToolkit does extensive logging. Every single action is logged, which helps with the troubleshooting process.

Download Now


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DCOM hardening issue.

This application fails to authenticate with WMI on the SCCM server because Microsoft has not yet hardened DCOM on their Windows Preinstallation Environment. We are working on a different approach, but it will only be released during the first quarter of 2024. But until that time, the only workaround will be to uninstall the update corresponding to KB5004442.