Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google. It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, and was later ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android. The browser is also the main component of Chrome OS, where it serves as the platform for web apps. Wikipedia

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x64, x86

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Google Chrome Silent Install

Google Chrome is an internet browser officially developed and maintained by Google. Chrome supports administration features on Windows, Mac, and Linux; but osd365 can only provide application re-packaging services for Microsoft Windows.

Google Chrome for Enterprise (Chrome Enterprise) is the same as the Consumer version but is deployed and managed differently.

Google releases an update to the Chrome browser approximately every 6 weeks.

We can help repackage Google Chrome (Enterprise or Consumer version ) in a way that is suitable for mass deployment and management using SCCM or other deployment tools within your organization.

osd365 | Global application packaging services

Application packaging plays a vital role in efficiently managing software deployments within organizations.  

Application packaging minimizes cost and improves System efficiency during and after deployment of the software to the System.

osd365 application packaging services provides the following advantages.

  • Custom osd365 uninstall codes : This helps organizations identify and uninstall software installed outside of the purview of the organizations software management systems.
  • Desktop shortcuts : If not directed otherwise, desktop shortcuts will not be installed.
  • Silent : If not directed otherwise, all our installation processes are silent.

Note : Some software vendors do not make their software available to the public domain. In such cases, you have to download and provide the software and the appropriate licenses.

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