
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source custom scripting language for Microsoft Windows, initially aimed at providing easy keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, fast macro-creation and software automation that allows users of most levels of computer skill to automate repetitive tasks in any Windows application. Wikipedia

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x64, x86

Software vendor

Chris Mallet

Vendor website

Define hotkeys for the mouse and keyboard, remap keys or buttons and autocorrect-like replacements. Creating simple hotkeys has never been easier; you can do it in just a few lines or less!
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as: form fillers, auto-clicking, macros, etc.
AutoHotkey has easy to learn built-in commands for beginners. Experienced developers will love this full-fledged scripting language for fast prototyping and small projects.

Source =>

Note: We can help make AutoHotkey installer enterprise deployment ready.

osd365 | Global application packaging services

Application packaging plays a vital role in efficiently managing software deployments within organizations.  

Application packaging minimizes cost and improves System efficiency during and after deployment of the software to the System.

osd365 application packaging services provides the following advantages.

  • Custom osd365 uninstall codes : This helps organizations identify and uninstall software installed outside of the purview of the organizations software management systems.
  • Desktop shortcuts : If not directed otherwise, desktop shortcuts will not be installed.
  • Silent : If not directed otherwise, all our installation processes are silent.

Note : Some software vendors do not make their software available to the public domain. In such cases, you have to download and provide the software and the appropriate licenses.

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