Documentation for SCCM task sequence deployment orchestrator

Allowed WinPE instances

To allow a WinPE instance to run, the value corresponding to the command line parameter ‘ -instancename ‘ should be added to the below list. Read details about ‘SCCM – WinPE boot image setup’ in the previous section => Click here.

  • The feature can be used to rein in old USB and Full media boot devices.
  • This option helps administrators keep their USB boot devices up-to-date with the latest image.
  • Administrators should assign a new instance name, when changes are made to the WinPE boot image.
  • Use alphabets, numbers, – (hyphen) and . (dot); No other special characters are allowed. Cannot end or begin with a special character.
    Instance names can be up to 25 characters in length.

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DCOM hardening issue.

This application fails to authenticate with WMI on the SCCM server because Microsoft has not yet hardened DCOM on their Windows Preinstallation Environment. We are working on a different approach, but it will only be released during the first quarter of 2024. But until that time, the only workaround will be to uninstall the update corresponding to KB5004442.