Documentation for SCCM task sequence deployment orchestrator

Check hostname structure, SCCM conflicts & DNS conflicts ?

SCCMTSPSI can automatically identify conflicts. Automatic conflict identification happens in the following ways.

  • Does a DNS lookup to identify if another device with the same NetBIOS name is active (responding to ICMP requests) in the network.
  • Submits a request to SCCM containing the physical address and/or the system management BIOS identifier of the device. By default, when processing actions sccmtspsi will fail if record conflicts are identified.

Cautiously select the option Truebutallow! to allow the operator to override conflicts. To enforce conflict checks select True and to turn off conflict checks completely select False.

When Truebutallow! is used the operator adds a ! before the hostname. e.g. !PC456W10 . Where PC456W10 is the hostname, “PC” is the prefix and “W10” is the suffix.

Truebutallow! also provides the operator with an option to overrides the case, prefix and suffix mandate.

For e.g. If the operator enters a hostname !456 , sccmtspsi will not add the prefix “PC” and the suffix “W10″ . Thus the host name remains as 456 . But conversely, If the operator enters a hostname 456 , sccmtspsi will add the prefix “PC” and the suffix “W10″ and the hostname will now change to PC456W10 .

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