- Overview
- Realm setup
- Active Directory & SCCM setup.
- Active directory - Security group
- Active directory - Broker account
- SCCM - Deployment collection
- SCCM - Administrative category for applications
- SCCM - Administrative category for office
- SCCM - Limiting collection for collections
- AD - Parent AD group for AD group list
- AD - Staging OU
- SCCM - Configuration directory
- SCCM - WinPE boot image setup
- Configuration tool & File
- Realm secret key
- Allowed WinPE instances
- Network access account
- Notification account
- Hostname formatting
- Automatically identify hostname
- Overrides
- Active directory staging OU
- MBAM Server details
- SMTP server details
- Notification types
- User state migration (USMT)
- Logs and Profiles location
- Disk setup
- Content availability check
- Error adding collection member
- Error adding AD group member
- Wait for Bitlocker decryption
- Approved hardware
- Extension Attributes
- Using sccmtspsi (Operator view)
- Task sequence steps
- Task sequence error codes
- sccmtspsi error codes
3.5.SCCM - Administrative category for office
The office suite Realm administrative category marks an SCCM office suite application as belonging to a Realm.
The administrative category can be similar to the below entry.
sccmtspsi-officesuites-XXX [Where XXX is the Realm name]
An office suite can be a part of one or more Realm categories [belonging to one or more Realms].
Image showing Office Suite in sccmtspsi console.
Check the box “Allow this application to be installed from the Install Application task sequence action without being deployed”.
Distribute content to the distribution points.