Documentation for SCCM task sequence deployment orchestrator

SCCM - Limiting collection for collections

The limiting collection is the parent collection for all the collections that should be displayed for the sccmtspsi Realm instance.

The name of the limiting collection should be similar to the below entry.

sccmtspsi-collections-XXX [Where XXX is the Realm name]

The Realm broker account should have permissions to add members into the above limiting collection.

The Realm broker account should have permissions to add members into the collections that use the above collection as a limiting collection.

Include the Realm deployment collection “sccmtspsi-deployments-r01” [where r01 is the Realm name] and one of the top level collections [All Systems, All Desktop and Server Clients etc..] as members of the limiting collection.

Check the box “Use incremental updates for this collection” as seen in the image below.

The setup will look similar to the setup below. The collections “Level 3 SCCMTSPSI HQ laptops“, “Power saving for desktop” and “Support computers for HQ agents” will be displayed on the sccmtspsi console.

Image showing collections in the sccmtspsi window.

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