- Overview
- Realm setup
- Active Directory & SCCM setup.
- Active directory - Security group
- Active directory - Broker account
- SCCM - Deployment collection
- SCCM - Administrative category for applications
- SCCM - Administrative category for office
- SCCM - Limiting collection for collections
- AD - Parent AD group for AD group list
- AD - Staging OU
- SCCM - Configuration directory
- SCCM - WinPE boot image setup
- Configuration tool & File
- Realm secret key
- Allowed WinPE instances
- Network access account
- Notification account
- Hostname formatting
- Automatically identify hostname
- Overrides
- Active directory staging OU
- MBAM Server details
- SMTP server details
- Notification types
- User state migration (USMT)
- Logs and Profiles location
- Disk setup
- Content availability check
- Error adding collection member
- Error adding AD group member
- Wait for Bitlocker decryption
- Approved hardware
- Extension Attributes
- Using sccmtspsi (Operator view)
- Task sequence steps
- Task sequence error codes
- sccmtspsi error codes
6.2.Task sequence variables
Variable | Description |
SCCMTSPSI-APP-PACKAGEID-S0100038-ISSET | Specifies if SCCM application with PackageID "S0100038" was selected by the opeartor. (True or False) |
SCCMTSPSIDATADRIVEVOLUMELABEL2 | Volume label of data drive 2. |
SCCMTSPSIDATADRIVEVOLUMELABEL1 | Volume label of data drive 1. |
SCCMTSPSIDATADRIVE2 | Drive letter of data drive 2. |
SCCMTSPSIDATADRIVE1 | Drive letter of data drive 1. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTUSBIDENTIFIER | The label that identifies a USB drive as a USMT data store. This is set in the configuration file. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTCOMPRESSUSBDATASTORE | Compress setting for USB USMT data store. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSISCCMSERVER | Fully qualified domain name of the SCCM management point. |
SMSTSUdaUsers | The primary users of the device are automatically set at the end of the task sequence. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSISELECTEDOFFICESUITEPACKAGEID | PackageID of the SCCM office application selected. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSISELECTEDOFFICESUITENAME | Name of the SCCM office application selected. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSISET1APP | The base variable SCCMTSPSISET1APP and/or SCCMTSPSISET2APP and/or SCCMTSPSISET3APP can then be referenced in the task sequence as explained in the documentation. Click here to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTXMLRULEFILES | USMT command line sub part. Migration XML rule files. E.g. /i:"miguser.xml" /i:"migapps.xml". The rule XML's files are set in the configuration file. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTINCLUDEDANDEXCLUDEDUSERS | USMT command line sub-part. Included and excluded user SID's |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTENCRYPTIONALGORITHM | USMT store encryption algorithm. Click here to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTEFSHANDLE | USMT command line sub-part for handling encrypted system files. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTCOMPRESSNETWORKDATASTORE | Compress USMT network data store. (True /False). Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTNETWORKDATASTORE | USMT network data store; set in the configuration file. Click here to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTUSERCHANGES | USMT command line sub-part if user moves are configured in the configuration file. Click here to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIUSMTDOMAINCHANGES | USMT command line sub-part if domain changes where configured in the configuration file. Click to read the documentation. |
OSDStateStorePath | Location to which the USMT data is saved. |
OSDMigrateLocalAccountPassword | Local accounts are issued this temporary password during the USMT process. This variable is unique to a deployment. |
OSDMigrateConfigFiles | The Config.xml (or any selected name) file is an optional User State Migration Tool (USMT) file that you can create using the /genconfig option with the ScanState.exe tool. If you want to include all of the default components, and do not want to change the default store-creation or profile-migration behavior, you do not need to create a Config.xml file. |
OSDMigrateAdditionalRestoreOptions | The additional options that are specified in the form of a string that is appended to the automatically generated USMT command line. sccmtspsi adds the following items to this variable.
SMSTSMP | SCCM management point. |
SCCMTSPSIWINPEARCHITECTURE | Architecture of the WinPE image. |
SCCMTSPSISYSTEMMODEL | Hardware model of the device. |
SCCMTSPSISYSTEMMANUFACTURER | Device hardware manufacturer. |
SCCMTSPSISMTPSERVERSSLENABLED | SMTP server communication is SSL enabled. |
SCCMTSPSISMTPSERVERPORT | Port number through which SMTP requests are made to the SMTP server. This information is set in the configuration file. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSISMTPSERVER | Fully qualified domain name of the SMTP server. |
SCCMTSPSISELECTEDTASKSEQUENCENAME | Name of the selected Task Sequence. |
SCCMTSPSISELECTEDTASKSEQUENCEPACKAGEID | The TasksequenceID of the selected Task Sequence. |
SCCMTSPSISELECTEDOPERATINGSYSTEMNAME | The Package Name of the selected operating system. |
SCCMTSPSISELECTEDOPERATINGSYSTEMPACKAGEID | The PackageID of the selected operating system. |
SCCMTSPSIREALMNAME | The 3 character Realm name. |
SCCMTSPSIPROCESSORARCHITECTURE | Processor architecture of the device. Possible values : x86, MIPS, Alpha, PowerPC, ARM, ia64, x64, Unknown. |
SCCMTSPSIPCSYSTEMTYPE | Listed below are the possible values.
SCCMTSPSIOPERATOREMAIL | Email address of the sccmtspsi operator. |
SCCMTSPSIOPERATORDISPLAYNAME | Full name of the sccmtspsi operator. |
SCCMTSPSIOPERATINGSYSTEMVOLUMELABEL | Volume label of the Operating System drive. Click to read the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSIOPERATINGSYSTEMDRIVE | The drive to which the Operating System will be installed. This drive has the volume name as set in the task sequence variable SCCMTSPSIOPERATINGSYSTEMVOLUMELABEL. |
SCCMTSPSINETWORKLOGLOCATION | Network location to where the local logs will be copied to. The location is set in the configuration file. Click here to see the documentation. |
SCCMTSPSINETWORKACCESSACCOUNT | The network access account set in the configuration file. Click here to see documentation. |
SCCMTSPSILOGINDOMAIN | Login domain. The domain name set in the sccmtspsi command line. |
SCCMTSPSIASSETNAME | Same as OSDComputerName. Hostname / Assetname / NetBIOS name. |
SCCMTSPSIADMINEMAIL | Administrative email address. Email address set in the configuration file. |
OSDComputerName | Same as SCCMTSPSIASSETNAME. Hostname / Assetname / NetBIOS name issued to the device. |