- Overview
- Realm setup
- Active Directory & SCCM setup.
- Active directory - Security group
- Active directory - Broker account
- SCCM - Deployment collection
- SCCM - Administrative category for applications
- SCCM - Administrative category for office
- SCCM - Limiting collection for collections
- AD - Parent AD group for AD group list
- AD - Staging OU
- SCCM - Configuration directory
- SCCM - WinPE boot image setup
- Configuration tool & File
- Realm secret key
- Allowed WinPE instances
- Network access account
- Notification account
- Hostname formatting
- Automatically identify hostname
- Overrides
- Active directory staging OU
- MBAM Server details
- SMTP server details
- Notification types
- User state migration (USMT)
- Logs and Profiles location
- Disk setup
- Content availability check
- Error adding collection member
- Error adding AD group member
- Wait for Bitlocker decryption
- Approved hardware
- Extension Attributes
- Using sccmtspsi (Operator view)
- Task sequence steps
- Task sequence error codes
- sccmtspsi error codes
4.12.4.USMT Config xml
The Config.xml (or any selected name) file is an optional User State Migration Tool (USMT) file that you can create using the /genconfig option with the ScanState.exe tool. If you want to include all of the default components, and do not want to change the default store-creation or profile-migration behavior, you do not need to create a Config.xml file.
However, if you are satisfied with the default migration behavior defined in the MigApp.xml, MigUser.xml and MigDocs.xml files, but you want to exclude certain components, you can create and modify a Config.xml file and leave the other .xml files unchanged. For example, you must create and modify the Config.xml file if you want to exclude any of the operating-system settings that are migrated. It is necessary to create and modify this file if you want to change any of the default store-creation or profile-migration behavior.
The Config.xml file has a different format than the other migration .xml files, because it does not contain any migration rules. It contains only a list of the operating-system components, applications, user documents that can be migrated, as well as user-profile policy and error-control policy. For this reason, excluding components using the Config.xml file is easier than modifying the migration .xml files, because you do not need to be familiar with the migration rules and syntax. However, you cannot use wildcard characters in this file.
For more information about using the Config.xml file with other migration files, such as the MigDocs.xml and MigApps.xml files, see Understanding Migration XML Files. Reference: Microsoft documents.
Save the XML file into the “usmt” folder under the Realm configuration directory. In the below image “r01” is the Realm name.
Specify the same name (in this case Config.xml) in the sccmtspsi configuration tool.