SMS provider State Messages
List of SMS provider State Messages. This list was originally posted into Microsoft TechNet by Klaus Bilger. Click here to view the TechNet article.
MessageID | MessageString | Severity |
30000 | User "%1" created a package named "%5 %3 %4 %6" (%2). | Informational |
30001 | User "%1" modified the Package Properties of a package named "%5 %3 %4 %6" (%2). | Informational |
30002 | User "%1" deleted a package named "%5 %3 %4 %6" (%2). | Informational |
30003 | User "%1" created a program named "%2" that belongs to a package with package ID %3. | Informational |
30004 | User "%1" modified a program named "%2" that belongs to a package with package ID %3. | Informational |
30005 | User "%1" deleted a program named "%2" that belongs to a package with package ID %3. | Informational |
30006 | User "%1" created a deployment named "%3" (%2) deploying program "%4". | Informational |
30007 | User "%1" modified the deployment properties of a deployment named "%3" (%2) deploying program "%4". | Informational |
30008 | User "%1" deleted a deployment named "%3" (%2) deploying program "%4". | Informational |
30009 | User "%1" targeted a package with package ID %2 to a distribution point on %5 at site "%4 - %6". | Informational |
30010 | User "%1" modified a distribution point on %5 at site "%4 - %6" for a package with package ID %2. | Informational |
30011 | User "%1" removed a package with package ID %2 from a distribution point on %5 at site "%4 - %6". | Informational |
30012 | User "%1" created secondary site "%3 - %2". | Informational |
30013 | User "%1" upgraded or removed secondary site "%3 - %2". | Informational |
30014 | User "%1" deleted (removed all records from the site database) secondary site "%3 - %2". | Informational |
30015 | User "%1" created a collection named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30016 | User "%1" modified the Collection Properties for a collection named "%3" (%2). This collection is currently assigned to the following ConfigMgr Administrators: %4 | Informational |
30017 | User "%1" deleted a collection named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30018 | User "%1" created address of type "%6" connecting site %3 to %7 on %8 with priority %9. | Informational |
30019 | User "%1" modified the address properties for an address of type "%6" connecting site %3 to %7 on %8 with priority %9. | Informational |
30020 | User "%1" deleted address of type "%6" connecting site %3 to %7 on %8 with priority %9. | Informational |
30021 | User "%1" created file definition "%5" at secondary site %3. | Informational |
30022 | User "%1" modified file definition "%5" at secondary site %3. | Informational |
30023 | User "%1" deleted file definition "%5" at secondary site %3. | Informational |
30024 | User "%1" created the property "%5" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30025 | User "%1" modified the property "%5" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30026 | User "%1" deleted the property "%5" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30027 | User "%1" created the property list "%5" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30028 | User "%1" modified the property list "%5" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30029 | User "%1" deleted the property list "%5" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30030 | User "%1" created site definition information in the site control file for site "%3 - %6" (Parent Site Code="%7"). | Informational |
30031 | User "%1" modified site definition information in the site control file for site "%3 - %6" (Parent Site Code="%7"). | Informational |
30032 | User "%1" deleted site definition information in the site control file for site "%3 - %6" (Parent Site Code="%7"). | Informational |
30033 | User "%1" created component "%7" on %6 in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30034 | User "%1" modified component "%7" on %6 in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30035 | User "%1" deleted component "%7" on %6 in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30036 | User "%1" added the role of %7 to the %6 "%8" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30037 | User "%1" modified the role of the %6 "%8" as a %7 in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30038 | User "%1" deleted the role of the %6 "%8" as a %7 in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30039 | User "%1" created a configuration for the "%4" component in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30040 | User "%1" modified the configuration of the "%4" component in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30041 | User "%1" deleted the configuration of the "%4" component in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30042 | User "%1" created client component "%4" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30043 | User "%1" modified client component "%4" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30044 | User "%1" deleted client component "%4" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30045 | User "%1" created client configuration "%4" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30046 | User "%1" modified client configuration "%4" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30047 | User "%1" deleted client configuration "%4" in the site control file at site %3. | Informational |
30048 | User "%1" created SQL command "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30049 | User "%1" modified SQL command "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30050 | User "%1" deleted SQL command "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30051 | User "%1" created SQL Task "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30052 | User "%1" modified SQL Task "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30053 | User "%1" deleted SQL Task "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30054 | User "%1" added the site boundaries record to the site control file of site %3. | Informational |
30055 | User "%1" modified the site boundaries of site %3. | Informational |
30056 | User "%1" deleted the site boundaries record in the site control file of site %3. | Informational |
30057 | User "%1" created class security rights for user "%3" on object "%2". Object types: 1=Collection, 2=Package, 3=Advertisement, 4=Status Messages, 6=Site, 7=Query, 8=Report, 9=Metering Rule, 10=Software Update. | Informational |
30058 | User "%1" modified class security rights for user "%3" on object "%2". Object types: 1=Collection, 2=Package, 3=Advertisement, 4=Status Messages, 6=Site, 7=Query, 8=Report, 9=Metering Rule, 10=Software Update. | Informational |
30059 | User "%1" deleted class security rights for user "%3" on object "%2". Object types: 1=Collection, 2=Package, 3=Advertisement, 4=Status Messages, 6=Site, 7=Query, 8=Report, 9=Metering Rule, 10=Software Update. | Informational |
30060 | User "%1" created instance security rights for user "%3" on instance "%4" of object type "%2". Object types: 1=Collection, 2=Package, 3=Advertisement, 4=Status Messages, 6=Site, 7=Query, 8=Report, 9=Metering Rule, 10=Software Update. | Informational |
30061 | User "%1" modified instance security rights for user "%3" on instance "%4" of object type "%2". Object types: 1=Collection, 2=Package, 3=Advertisement, 4=Status Messages, 6=Site, 7=Query, 8=Report, 9=Metering Rule, 10=Software Update. | Informational |
30062 | User "%1" deleted instance security rights for user "%3" on instance "%4" of object type "%2". Object types: 1=Collection, 2=Package, 3=Advertisement, 4=Status Messages, 6=Site, 7=Query, 8=Report, 9=Metering Rule, 10=Software Update. | Informational |
30063 | User "%1" created a query named "%3" (%2) targeting the "%4" class. | Informational |
30064 | User "%1" modified a query named "%3" (%2) targeting the "%4" class. | Informational |
30065 | User "%1" deleted a query named "%3" (%2) targeting the "%4" class. | Informational |
30066 | User "%1" deleted a discovered resource named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30067 | User "%1" deleted all of the resources that belong to collection "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30068 | User "%1" updated a package named "%5 %3 %4 %6" (%2) to the site distribution points. | Informational |
30069 | User "%1" at "%2" initiated a Remote Control session with "%3". | Informational |
30070 | User "%1" at "%2" ended a Remote Control session with "%3". | Informational |
30076 | User "%1" at "%2" initiated Remote Control with "%3". | Informational |
30077 | User "%1" at "%2" ended Remote Control with "%3". | Informational |
30085 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to start a Remote Control session with "%3". Solution: Verify that the Remote Tools Client Agent is installed on the client. If the agent is installed and enabled, confirm the client agent settings are properly configured to allow access, the firewall port for remote control is open, and that the authorized users have been specified in the permitted viewers list. | Warning |
30086 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to start a Remote Control session with "%3" due to insufficient security credentials. Solution: Verify that the logged on user is a member of a group that is listed in the Permitted viewers list on the Security tab of the Remote Control Client Agent Properties dialog box. | Warning |
30091 | User "%1" created a report named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30092 | User "%1" modified a report named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30093 | User "%1" deleted a report named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30094 | User "%1" created a meter rule named "%7" (%3) for file "%4" with a product version of "%6" and Language ID of "%5". | Informational |
30095 | User "%1" modified a meter rule named "%7" (%3) for file "%4" with a product version of "%6" and Language ID of "%5". | Informational |
30099 | User "%1" created Maintenance Task "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30100 | User "%1" modified Maintenance Task "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30101 | User "%1" deleted Maintenance Task "%5" at site %3. | Informational |
30102 | User "%2" from computer "%3" created a session using application [%4] version [%5]. | Informational |
30103 | User "%2" from computer "%3" released its session using application [%4] version [%5]. | Informational |
30104 | User "%1" requested that the membership be refreshed for collection "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30105 | User "%1" deleted a meter rule named "%7" (%3) for file "%4" with a product version of "%6" and Language ID of "%5". | Informational |
30106 | User "%1" requested that the CCRs be generated for query named "%3" (%2) targeting the "%4" class. | Informational |
30107 | User "%1" requested that the CCRs be generated for collection "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30108 | User "%1" requested that the CCR be generated for Machine "%2" (%3). | Informational |
30109 | User "%1" requested that the CCRs be generated for query named "%3" (%2) targeting the "%4" class. The SMS Provider did not generate CCRs for all the system resources returned by this query. Possible cause: Some system resources are not assigned to the current site, And you chose to install clients only on system resources that are assigned to current site. Another possible cause: some system resources do not have Microsoft Windows NT operating system or above installed. | Informational |
30110 | User "%1" requested that the CCRs be generated for collection "%3" (%2). The SMS Provider did not generate CCRs for all the system resources in this collection. Possible cause: some system resources are not assigned to the current site, and you chose to install clients only on system resources that are assigned to current site. Another possible cause: Some system resources do not have Microsoft Windows NT operating system or above installed. | Informational |
30111 | User "%1" requested that the CCR be generated for resource "%3". But no CCR is generated. Possible cause: this is not a system resource, this is not assigned to current site if you choose to install client on system resource that are assigned to current site, or the system resource does not have Microsoft Windows NT operating system or above installed. | Informational |
30112 | User "%1" has authorized a software update. Details: ID = %2, QNumbers = %3, Product = %4, Title = %5, Locale = %6. | Informational |
30113 | User "%1" created a folder named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30114 | User "%1" modified a folder named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30115 | User "%1" deleted a folder named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30116 | User "%1" added %3 of %4 to folder "%2". | Informational |
30117 | User "%1" moved %3 of %4 out of folder "%2". | Informational |
30118 | User "%1" added software update "%2" to program "%4" in package "%3", package version "%5". | Informational |
30119 | User "%1" changed the link information for software update "%2" in program "%4" and package "%3", package version "%5". | Informational |
30120 | User "%1" removed software update "%2" from program "%4" in package "%3", package version "%5". | Informational |
30121 | User "%1" created software update with CI_ID "%2". Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", CI_UniqueID = %5, CIVersion = %6 ". | Informational |
30122 | User "%1" modified software update with CI_ID "%2". Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", CI_UniqueID = %5, CIVersion = %6 ". | Informational |
30123 | User "%1" deleted software update with CI_ID "%2". Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", CI_UniqueID = %5, CIVersion = %6 ". | Informational |
30124 | User "%1" has authorized software update "%2". Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%5", Product = "%6", Title = "%4", Locale = "%7". | Informational |
30125 | User "%1" added new distribution points to a package named "%5 %3 %4 %6" (%2). | Informational |
30129 | User "%1" created device discovery translation "%2". | Informational |
30130 | User "%1" modified device discovery translation "%2". | Informational |
30131 | User "%1" deleted device discovery translation "%2". | Informational |
30132 | User "%1" created an instance of SMS_DeviceFQDN "%2". | Informational |
30133 | User "%1" modified an instance of SMS_DeviceFQDN "%2". | Informational |
30134 | User "%1" deleted an instance of SMS_DeviceFQDN "%2". | Informational |
30135 | User "%1" created relation "%3" between software update "%2" and software update "%4". | Informational |
30136 | User "%1" changed relation "%3" between software update "%2" and software update "%4". | Informational |
30137 | User "%1" removed relation "%3" between software update "%2" and software update "%4". | Informational |
30138 | User "%1" has created an instance of SMS_ScanTool. SMSScanToolID =%2 ToolName=%3. | Informational |
30139 | User "%1" has modified an instance of SMS_ScanTool. SMSScanToolID =%2 ToolName=%3. | Informational |
30140 | User "%1" has deleted an instance of SMS_ScanTool. SMSScanToolID =%2 ToolName=%3. | Informational |
30152 | User "%1" created configuration item "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30153 | User "%1" modified configuration item "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30154 | User "%1" deleted configuration item "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30155 | User "%1" enforced configuration item "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30156 | User "%1" unenforced configuration item "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30157 | User "%1" accepted the license terms for configuration item "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30158 | User "%1" declined the license terms for configuration item "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30159 | User "%1" created a CategoryInstance "%2" (LocalizedCategoryInstanceName=%3, CategoryTypeName=%4). . | Informational |
30160 | User "%1" modified a CategoryInstance "%2" (LocalizedCategoryInstanceName=%3, CategoryTypeName=%4). . | Informational |
30161 | User "%1" deleted CategoryInstance "%2" (LocalizedCategoryInstanceName=%3, CategoryTypeName=%4). . | Informational |
30162 | User "%1" created a CategoryInstance Membership (CategoryInstanceID(%2),ObjectType(%3),ObjectKey(%4)). . | Informational |
30163 | User "%1" delete a CategoryInstance Membership (CategoryName(%2), ObjectType(%3), ObjectName(%4)). . | Informational |
30165 | User "%1" created a license terms Content "%2" (license terms ContentUniqueID=%3). . | Informational |
30166 | User "%1" modified a license terms Content "%2" (license terms ContentUniqueID=%3). . | Informational |
30167 | User "%1" deleted license terms Content "%2" (license terms ContentUniqueID=%3). . | Informational |
30168 | User "%1" resend configuration item "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4) to all child sites. . | Informational |
30169 | User "%1" resend a CategoryInstance "%2" (CategoryInstance_UniqueID=%3, CategoryTypeName=%4) to all child sites. . | Informational |
30170 | User "%1" resend a SDMPackage "%2" (SDMPackageName=%3, SDMPackageVersion=%4) to all child sites. . | Informational |
30171 | User "%1" resend a license terms Content "%2" (license terms ContentUniqueID=%3) to all child sites. . | Informational |
30172 | User "%1" resend software update with CI_ID "%2" to all child sites. Update Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", CI_UniqueID = %5, CIVersion = %6 ". | Informational |
30173 | User "%1" has resend an instance of SMS_ScanTool to all child sites. SMSScanToolID =%2 ToolName=%3. | Informational |
30180 | User "%1" created a state association between sourceclient (%2) and restoreclient (%3). | Informational |
30181 | User "%1" deleted a state association between sourceclient (%2) and restoreclient (%3). | Informational |
30183 | User "%1" attempted to download the content for software update with CI_ID "%2". Update Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", CI_UniqueID = %5, CIVersion = %6 ". | Informational |
30185 | User "%1" attempted to import the content for software update with CI_ID "%2". Update Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", CI_UniqueID = %5, CIVersion = %6 ". | Informational |
30186 | User "%1" created the SUM deployment template with TemplateUniqueID "%2" (Name = "%3"). . | Informational |
30187 | User "%1" modified the SUM deployment template with TemplateUniqueID "%2" (Name = "%3"). . | Informational |
30188 | User "%1" deleted the SUM deployment template with TemplateUniqueID "%2" (Name = "%3"). . | Informational |
30189 | User "%1" added content with ContentID %2 to PackageID "%3" (ContentVersionInPkg = %4). . | Informational |
30190 | User "%1" modified content with ContentID %2 in PackageID "%3 (ContentVersionInPkg = %4)". . | Informational |
30191 | User "%1" removed content with ContentID %2 from PackageID "%3". . | Informational |
30192 | User "%1" initiated a package change notification for Package named "%5 %3 %4 %6" (%2). | Informational |
30193 | User "%1" created CI assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30194 | User "%1" modified CI assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30195 | User "%1" deleted CI assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30196 | User "%1" created updates assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30197 | User "%1" modified updates assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30198 | User "%1" deleted updates assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30199 | User "%1" created an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingItem %2 (Name = %3, Type = %4, Version = %5). . | Informational |
30200 | User "%1" modified an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingItem %2 (Name = %3, Type = %4, Version = %5). . | Informational |
30201 | User "%1" deleted an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingItem %2 (Name = %3, Type = %4, Version = %5). . | Informational |
30202 | User "%1" created an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingPackage %2 (Name = %3, PlatformType = %4, Version = %5). . | Informational |
30203 | User "%1" modified an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingPackage %2 (Name = %3, PlatformType = %4, Version = %5). . | Informational |
30204 | User "%1" deleted an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingPackage %2 (Name = %3, PlatformType = %4, Version = %5). . | Informational |
30205 | User "%1" created an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingPackageItem (DeviceSettingPkgID = %2, DeviceSettingItemID = %3). . | Informational |
30206 | User "%1" modified an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingPackageItem (DeviceSettingPkgID = %2, DeviceSettingItemID = %3). . | Informational |
30207 | User "%1" deleted an instance of SMS_DeviceSettingPackageItem (DeviceSettingPkgID = %2, DeviceSettingItemID = %3). . | Informational |
30208 | User "%1" modified summary task (%2) (RunInterval=%3 Enabled=%4 TaskParameter=%5). . | Informational |
30209 | User "%1" requested to execute summary task (%2). . | Informational |
30210 | User "%1" created user account %6. . | Informational |
30211 | User "%1" modified user account %6. . | Informational |
30212 | User "%1" deleted user account %6. . | Informational |
30213 | User "%1" imported machine at site "%3 - %2" (NetbiosName=%4, MACAddress=%5, SMBIOSGUID=%6). | Informational |
30214 | User "%1" submitted a registration record at site "%3 - %2" (SMSID=%4). | Informational |
30215 | User "%1" received policies for Task Sequence %3 using Deployment "%2". | Informational |
30216 | User "%1" received client configuration policies. | Informational |
30217 | User "%1" changed the Approved Status to %2 for %3 clients. ResourceIDs (%4). | Informational |
30218 | User "%1" changed the Allowed Status to %2 for %3 clients. ResourceIDs (%4). | Informational |
30219 | User "%1" created authorization list "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30220 | User "%1" modified authorization list "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30221 | User "%1" deleted authorization list "%2" (CI_UniqueID=%3, CIVersion=%4). . | Informational |
30222 | User "%1" created per-computer settings for %3 (ResourceID %2). | Informational |
30223 | User "%1" modified per-computer settings for %3 (ResourceID %2). | Informational |
30224 | User "%1" changed the Block Status to %2 for Certificate (SMSID=%3). | Informational |
30225 | User "%1" resolved the pending registration record (SMSID=%2, FQDN=%3, ConflictSMSID=%4, Action=%5). | Informational |
30226 | User "%1" created a deployment of application "%3" to collection "%4". | Informational |
30227 | User "%1" modified the deployment of application "%3" to collection "%4". | Informational |
30228 | User "%1" deleted the deployment of application "%3" to collection "%4". | Informational |
30229 | User "%1" created update group assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30230 | User "%1" modified update group assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30231 | User "%1" deleted update group assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
30232 | User "%1" created per-user settings for %3 (ResourceID %2). | Informational |
30233 | User "%1" modified per-user settings for %3 (ResourceID %2). | Informational |
30234 | User "%1" changed the Ownership Type to %2 for %3 clients. ResourceIDs (%4). | Informational |
30235 | User "%1" changed the site to %2 for %3 clients. ResourceIDs (%4). | Informational |
30240 | User "%1" created alert (ID=%2, Type=%3, Instance=%4, Enabled=%5, SkipUntil=%6). | Informational |
30241 | User "%1" modified alert (ID=%2, Type=%3, Instance=%4, Enabled=%5, SkipUntil=%6). | Informational |
30242 | User "%1" deleted alert (ID=%2, Type=%3, Instance=%4). | Informational |
30243 | User "%1" set SkipUntil of alert (ID=%2, Type=%3, Instance=%4). | Informational |
30244 | User "%1" closed alert (ID=%2, Type=%3, Instance=%4). | Informational |
30300 | User "%1" at "%2" started an OOB Console session to "%3". | Informational |
30301 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to disconnect from "%3". Success. | Informational |
30302 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to perform a status information query from "%3". Success. | Informational |
30303 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to perform a system inventory query from "%3". Success. | Informational |
30304 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to perform a power control command to "%3". Success. | Informational |
30305 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to perform a serial over lan session to "%3". Success. | Informational |
30306 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to perform a IDE-R session to "%3". Success. | Informational |
30307 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to unprovision "%3". Success. | Informational |
30308 | User "%1" at "%2" has no permission to connect "%3". Success. | Error |
30309 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to connect to "%3". | Informational |
30310 | User "%1" at "%2" attempt to perform a IDE-R session to "%3", but IDE-R session to this device has already been opened . | Error |
30311 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a status information query from "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR error code: "%6". | Error |
30312 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a system inventory query from "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR error code: "%6". | Error |
30313 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a power control command to "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR error code: "%6". | Error |
30314 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a serial over lan session to "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR error code: "%6". | Error |
30315 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a IDE-R session to "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR error code: "%6". | Error |
30316 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to unprovision "%3". WinRM error code: "%4"; PT error code: "%5"; IMR error code: "%6". | Error |
30317 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to disconnect from "%3". | Error |
30318 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to connect to "%3". | Error |
30319 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to connect to special resource %3 in this site. | Error |
30320 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a status information query from "%3". Internal exception occurs. | Error |
30321 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a system inventory query from "%3". Internal exception occurs. | Error |
30322 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a power control command to "%3". Internal exception occurs. | Error |
30323 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a serial over lan session to "%3". Internal exception occurs. | Error |
30324 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to perform a IDE-R session to "%3". Internal exception occurs. | Error |
30325 | User "%1" at "%2" failed to unprovision "%3". Internal exception occurs. | Error |
30326 | User "%1" created a remote application subscription ID (%2). | Informational |
30327 | User "%1" modified a remote application subscription ID (%2). | Informational |
30328 | User "%1" deleted a remote application subscription ID (%2). | Informational |
30330 | User "%1" created a virtual App named %4 (VirtualAppID = %2) for the Package(%3). | Informational |
30331 | User "%1" modified a virtual App named %4 (VirtualAppID = %2) for the Package(%3). | Informational |
30332 | User "%1" deleted a virtual App named %4 (VirtualAppID = %2) for the Package(%3). | Informational |
30340 | User "%1" modified conditional access management (ResourceType=%2 ConditionalAccessType=%3). . | Informational |
30341 | User "%1" deleted conditional access management (ResourceType=%2 ConditionalAccessType=%3). . | Informational |
30400 | User "%1" changed the AMT Status to %2 for AMT Certificate (CertID=%3). | Informational |
30401 | User "%1" initiated "Power on" command on "%3" (%2) . | Informational |
30402 | User "%1" initiated "Restart" command on "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30403 | User "%1" initiated "Shut down" command on "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30404 | User "%1" enabled Audit Log on "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30405 | User "%1" disabled Audit Log on "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30406 | User "%1" cleared Audit Log on "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30407 | User "%1" updates the provision data on machine "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30408 | User "%1" unprovisioned machine "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30409 | User "%1" initiated "Discover" command on "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30500 | User added the following distribution points to a package (Package ID=%1): %2 | Informational |
30501 | User removed the distribution point (NALPATH=%2) from package (Package ID=%1). | Informational |
30502 | User Refreshed the distribution point (NALPATH=%2) of package (Package ID=%1). | Informational |
30503 | User updated the following distribution points of package (Package ID=%1): %2 | Informational |
30504 | User updated the schedule of Deployment (ID=%1), PresentTime and ExpirationTime were changed from %2 to %3, mandatory schedule and offer flags changed from %4 to %5. | Informational |
30505 | User updated the target collection of Deployment (ID=%1), Collection ID was changed from %2 to %3. | Informational |
30506 | User updated the schedule of SUM (ID=%1), PresentTime and ExpirationTime were changed from %2 to %3. | Informational |
30507 | User updated the target collection of SUM (ID=%1), Collection ID was changed from %2 to %3. | Informational |
30600 | User "%1" created relationship (ID=%2) between machine %3 and user %4. | Informational |
30601 | User "%1" modified relationship (ID=%2) between machine %3 and user %4. | Informational |
30602 | User "%1" deleted relationship (ID=%2) between machine %3 and user %4. | Informational |
30603 | User "%1" added a source (SourceID=%2) for relationship (ID=%3) between machine %4 and user %5. | Informational |
30604 | User "%1" removed a source (SourceID=%2) for relationship (ID=%3) between machine %4 and user %5. | Informational |
30605 | User "%1" added a type (TypeID=%2) for relationship (ID=%3) between machine %4 and user %5. | Informational |
30606 | User "%1" removed a type (TypeID=%2) for relationship (ID=%3) between machine %4 and user %5. | Informational |
30700 | User "%1" created a search folder named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30701 | User "%1" modified a search folder named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30702 | User "%1" deleted a search folder named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30800 | Administrative user %1 approved request of application %2 for user %3. | Informational |
30801 | Administrative user %1 denied request of application %2 for user %3. | Informational |
30900 | User "%1" created a migration job named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30901 | User "%1" modified a migration job named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30902 | User "%1" deleted a migration job named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30903 | User "%1" started a migration job named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30904 | User "%1" stopped a migration job named "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30905 | User "%1" created a migration site mapping with ID "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30906 | User "%1" modified a migration site mapping with ID "%3" (%2). | Informational |
30907 | User "%1" deleted a migration site mapping with ID "%3" (%2). | Informational |
31000 | User "%1" created an inventory report with ID "%2". | Informational |
31001 | User "%1" modified an inventory report with ID "%2". | Informational |
31002 | User "%1" deleted an inventory report with ID "%2". | Informational |
31200 | Administrative user %1 successfully created a custom security role %3. | Informational |
31201 | Administrative user %1 successfully modified security role %2. | Informational |
31202 | Administrative user %1 successfully deleted a custom security role %2. | Informational |
31203 | Administrative user %1 tried to create a custom security role but does not have sufficient permissions. User %1 requires at least "Create role" permissions. | Warning |
31204 | Administrative user %1 tried to modify a custom security role but does not have sufficient permissions. User %1 requires at least "Modify role" permissions. | Warning |
31205 | Administrative user %1 tried to delete a custom role but does not have sufficient permissions. User %1 requires at least "Delete role" permissions. | Warning |
31206 | Administrative user %1 was not allowed to import a security role, due to insufficient permissions. User %1 requires at least "Create role" permission. | Warning |
31207 | Administrative user %1 has successfully imported custom security role %2. | Informational |
31208 | Administrative user %1 successfully exported security role %2. | Informational |
31209 | Administrative user %1 tried to export security role %2 but has insufficient rights. User %1 requires at least "read role" permission. | Warning |
31220 | Administrative user %1 successfully created the new security scope %2. | Informational |
31221 | Administrative user %1 successfully modified security scope %2. | Informational |
31222 | Administrative user %1 successfully deleted security scope %2. | Informational |
31223 | Administrative user %1 was not allowed to create a new security scope due to insufficient permissions. User %1 requires at least "Create security scope" permission. | Warning |
31224 | Administrative user %1 was not allowed to modify security scope %2 due to insufficient permission. User %1 requires at least "Modify security scope" permission. | Warning |
31225 | Administrative user %1 was not allowed to delete security scope %2 due to insufficient permissions. User %1 requires at least "Delete security scope" permission. | Warning |
31226 | User %1 associated securable object %4 (Type: %3) with the following security scope: %2. | Informational |
31227 | User %1 deassociated securable object %4 (Type: %3) with the following security scope: %2. | Informational |
31240 | Administrative user %1 has successfully added and associated %3 with the roles %4 and security scopes %5 and collections %6 to the Configuration Manager environment. | Informational |
31241 | User "%1" modified and associated %3 with the roles %4 and security scopes %5 and collections %6 to the Configuration Manager environment. | Informational |
31242 | Administrative user %1 has successfully removed %3 from the Configuration Manager environment. | Informational |
31243 | The Configuration Manager provider on server "%1" was unable to connect to Active Directory domain controller "%2" (result code: "%3"), as a result user %4 was unable to add a Configuration Manager administrator user or group to the Configuration Manager environment. Please check the Windows event log on the Configuration Manager provider machine and Active Directory domain controllers. | Error |
31244 | Administrative user %1 failed to add a new Configuration Manager administrator user or security group in the Configuration Manager environment due to insufficient rights. User %1 requires at least "Add administrator" and "Read role" permissions. | Warning |
31245 | Administrative user %1 failed to modify a new Configuration Manager administrator user or security group in the Configuration Manager environment due to insufficient rights. User %1 requires at least "Modify administrator" and "Read role" permissions. | Warning |
31246 | Administrative user %1 failed to remove a Configuration Manager administrator user or security group from the Configuration Manager environment, due to insufficient rights. User %1 requires at least "Remove administrator" permissions. | Warning |
31247 | Administrative user %1 tried to remove his or her own account from Configuration Manager. An administrator cannot remove his or her own account from Configuration Manager. | Warning |
31248 | Administrative user %1 tried to remove Configuration Manager administrator %2 which is the last Configuration Manager administrator associated with the "ConfigMgr Administrator" security role. The Configuration Manager environment requires at least 1 user or security group associated with the "ConfigMgr Administrator" security role. | Warning |
31249 | The Configuration Manager provider on server "%1" was unable to add user or group "%2", to the "SMS Admins" security group on server "%1". Please manually add user or group "%2" to the "SMS Admins" security group on server "%1", to enable user or group "%2" to administer the Configuration Manager environment. | Warning |
39997 | %1%2 | Informational |
39998 | %1%2 | Warning |
39999 | %1%2 | Error |
40100 | User "%1" modified Client Health Settings. | Informational |
40200 | User "%1" created enrollment record (Device Name=%2) for owner %3. | Informational |
40201 | User "%1" modified enrollment record (Device Name=%2, Owner=%3). | Informational |
40202 | User "%1" deleted enrollment record (Device Name=%2, Owner=%3). | Informational |
40203 | User "%1" regenerated pin for enrollment record (Device Name=%2, Owner=%3). | Informational |
40204 | User "%1" created enrollment profile (ProfileID=%2, Description=%3) for owner %3. | Informational |
40205 | User "%1" modified enrollment profile (ProfileID=%2, Description=%3). | Informational |
40206 | User "%1" deleted enrollment profile (ProfileID=%2, Description=%3). | Informational |
40300 | User "%1" created client settings object (ID=%2). | Informational |
40301 | User "%1" modified client settings object (ID=%2). | Informational |
40302 | User "%1" deleted client settings object (ID=%2). | Informational |
40303 | User "%1" created client settings assignment (SettingsID=%2, CollectionID=%3). | Informational |
40304 | User "%1" modified client settings assignment (SettingsID=%2, CollectionID=%3). | Informational |
40305 | User "%1" deleted client settings assignment (SettingsID=%2, CollectionID=%3). | Informational |
40400 | User "%1" created Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40401 | User "%1" modified Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40402 | User "%1" deleted Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40403 | User "%1" added one or more packages or applications to the Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40404 | User "%1" removed one or more packages or applications from the Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40405 | User "%1" added one or more distribution points to the Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40406 | User "%1" removed one or more distribution points from the Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40407 | User "%1" associated one or more collections to the Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40408 | User "%1" removed one or more collections associated with the Distribution Point Group "%3". | Informational |
40409 | User "%1" cancelled distribution of package "%2" to distribution point "%3". | Informational |
40500 | User "%1" created Boundary Group "%3". | Informational |
40501 | User "%1" modified Boundary Group "%3". | Informational |
40502 | User "%1" deleted Boundary Group "%3". | Informational |
40503 | User "%1" created Boundary Group Relationships "%2" "%3" . | Informational |
40504 | User "%1" modified Boundary Group Relationships "%2" "%3". | Informational |
40505 | User "%1" deleted Boundary Group Relationships "%2" "%3". | Informational |
40600 | User "%1" created Boundary "%3". | Informational |
40601 | User "%1" modified Boundary "%3". | Informational |
40602 | User "%1" deleted Boundary "%3". | Informational |
40700 | User "%1" created configuration policy assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
40701 | User "%1" modified configuration policy assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
40702 | User "%1" deleted configuration policy assignment %2 (%3). . | Informational |
40800 | User %1 initiated client operation %3 to collection %2. | Informational |
40801 | User %1 initiated client operation %3 to %5 members of collection %4. | Informational |
40802 | User %1 initiated client operation %3 to %4 resources. | Informational |
40803 | User %1 cancelled client operation %2. | Informational |
40804 | User %1 deleted client operation %2. | Informational |
40850 | User %1 invoked action (Name=%2) for device (ResourceId=%3, ResourceType=%4). | Informational |
40851 | User %1 attempted to view passcode for device (ResourceId=%2). | Informational |
40900 | User %1 modified Site [%2] RCM SQL Control Property for DVIEW %3. | Informational |
41000 | User "%1" created side loading key %2 (%3) . . | Informational |
41001 | User "%1" modified side loading key %2 (%3) . . | Informational |
41002 | User "%1" deleted side loading key %2 (%3). . | Informational |
42000 | User %1 requested retire for a device. ResourceId: %2. | Informational |
42001 | User %1 requested wipe for a device. ResourceId: %2. | Informational |
42010 | Administrative user %1 clicked Enable action for the extension Feature %2 %3. | Informational |
42011 | Administrative user %1 clicked Disable action for the extension Feature %2 %3. | Informational |
42021 | User "%1" requested to clear required PXE deployments having resource IDs "%2%". | Informational |
42031 | User "%1" created Auto Deployment Rule "%3" (AutoDeploymentID = %2). | Informational |
42032 | User "%1" modified the Auto Deployment Rule Properties of Auto Deployment Rule "%3" (AutoDeploymentID = %2). | Informational |
42033 | User "%1" deleted Auto Deployment Rule "%3" (AutoDeploymentID = %2). | Informational |
43000 | User "%1" created a deployment named "%3" (%2) deploying task sequence (PackageID "%4") to a risky collection "%5". | Warning |
44000 | User %1 imported PFX certificate for user %2. | Informational |
44001 | User %1 modified a PFX certificate for user %2. | Informational |
44002 | User %1 deleted a PFX certificate for user %2. | Informational |
44003 | User %1 imported PFX certificate for user %2 and device %3. | Informational |
44004 | User %1 modified a PFX certificate for user %2 and device %3. | Informational |
44005 | User %1 deleted a PFX certificate for user %2 and device %3. | Informational |
45000 | User %1 created MDM corporate %3 device with serial number %2. | Informational |
45001 | User %1 modified MDM corporate %3 device with serial number %2. | Informational |
45002 | User %1 deleted MDM corporate %3 device with serial number %2. | Informational |
45003 | User %1 modified MDM corporate device with serial numbers %2. | Informational |
45004 | User %1 invoked sync action %2. | Informational |
46000 | User %1 created Account Action %3 for ActionResultId %2. | Informational |
46001 | User %1 modified Account Action %3 for ActionResultId %2. | Informational |
46002 | User %1 deleted Account Action %3 for ActionResultId %2. | Informational |
47000 | User %1 created Enrollment Profile with Id %2 for DeviceType %3. | Informational |
47001 | User %1 modified Enrollment Profile with Id %2 for DeviceType %3. | Informational |
47002 | User %1 deleted Enrollment Profile with Id %2 for DeviceType %3. | Informational |
48000 | User %1 created Device Enrollment Manager with Id %2. | Informational |
48001 | User %1 deleted Device Enrollment Manager with Id %2. | Informational |
48002 | User %1 bulk created Device Enrollment Manager. | Informational |
48003 | User %1 bulk deleted Device Enrollment Manager. | Informational |
49000 | User "%1" created ADR Deployment Settings, ActionID = %2. | Informational |
49001 | User "%1" modified the ADR Deployment Settings Properties of ADR Deployment Settings, ActionID = %2). | Informational |
49002 | User "%1" deleted ADR Deployment Settings, ActionID = %2. | Informational |
49003 | User "%1" associated a license ID (%2) with application (%3). | Informational |
49004 | User "%1" modified a license with ID (%2) associated with application (%3). | Informational |
49005 | User "%1" deleted a license with ID (%2) associated with application (%3). | Informational |
500 | This component started. | Informational |
50000 | Administrative user %1 initiated install of the application %2 for user %3 on client %4. | Informational |
50001 | Administrative user %1 activated install deployment for application %2 on client %3. | Informational |
50002 | Administrative user %1 deactivated install deployment for application %2 on client %3. | Informational |
50003 | Administrative user %1 activated uninstall deployment for application %2 on client %3. | Informational |
50004 | Administrative user %1 deactivated uninstall deployment for application %2 on client %3. | Informational |
501 | This component was signalled to stop by an administrator or the operating system. The component will complete any processing it is doing and stop at a safe point in time. If the component or this computer is very busy, it may take several minutes for the component to stop. | Informational |
502 | This component stopped. | Informational |
503 | This component was signalled to pause by an administrator. The component will complete any processing it is doing and pause at a safe point in time. If the component or this computer is very busy, it may take several minutes for the component to pause. Once the component has paused, it will not do any more processing until the administrator signals it to resume processing. | Informational |
504 | This component was signalled to resume processing by an administrator. | Informational |
505 | Server %1 is unreachable or down.%2 | Error |
506 | Copied file "%1" to "%2". | Informational |
507 | Moved file "%1" to "%2". | Informational |
508 | Deleted file "%1".%2 | Informational |
509 | Locked file "%1".%2 | Informational |
510 | Unlocked file "%1".%2 | Informational |
51000 | User %1 created Apple VPP token with Id %2 and Organization Name %3. | Informational |
51001 | User %1 modified Apple VPP token with Id %2 and Organization Name %3. | Informational |
51002 | User %1 deleted Apple VPP token with Id %2 and Organization Name %3. | Informational |
51003 | User %1 synced Apple VPP token with Id %2. | Informational |
51004 | User %1 uploaded Apple VPP token with Id %2. | Informational |
51005 | User %1 created certificate with thumbprint %2. | Informational |
51006 | User %1 deleted certificate with CertType %2. | Informational |
511 | Created directory "%1".%2 | Informational |
512 | Removed directory "%1".%2 | Informational |
513 | Set the current directory for this process to "%1".%2 | Informational |
514 | Opened a change notification handle for directory "%1".%2 | Informational |
515 | Could not open a change notification handle for directory "%1" because the directory is on a remote computer.%2 | Informational |
516 | Closed the change notification handle for directory "%1".%2 | Informational |
517 | Could not open file "%1" for reading.%2 | Warning |
518 | Could not open file "%1" for reading and writing.%2 | Warning |
519 | Could not read from file "%1".%2 | Warning |
520 | Could not write to file "%1".%2 | Warning |
52000 | User %1 created MDM device category with CategoryId %2 and Name %3. | Informational |
52001 | User %1 modified MDM device category with CategoryId %2 and Name %3. | Informational |
52002 | User %1 deleted MDM device category with CategoryId %2 and Name %3. | Informational |
52003 | User %1 set the MDM device category to %2 for %3 devices. ResourceIDs (%4). | Informational |
52004 | User %1 cleared the MDM device category for %2 devices. ResourceIDs (%3). | Informational |
52010 | User %1 deleted WSfB configuration for client ID %2. | Informational |
521 | Could not copy file "%1" to "%2". | Warning |
52100 | User %1 initialized replication group %2 between site %3 and site %4. | Informational |
522 | Could not move file "%1" to "%2". | Warning |
52200 | User %1 updated the state of package %2 to state %3 with flag %4. | Informational |
52201 | User %1 retried content replication for package %2. | Informational |
52202 | User %1 ignored warning for package %2 (flag=%4). | Informational |
523 | Could not delete file "%1".%2 | Warning |
524 | Could not lock file "%1".%2 | Warning |
525 | Could not create directory "%1".%2 | Warning |
526 | Could not remove directory "%1".%2 | Warning |
527 | Could not set the current directory for this process to "%1".%2 | Warning |
528 | Could not open a change notification handle for directory "%1".%2 | Warning |
529 | Could not wait on a change notification handle for directory "%1".%2 | Warning |
530 | Could not open file "%1" for reading.%2 | Error |
531 | Could not open file "%1" for reading and writing.%2 | Error |
532 | Could not read from file "%1".%2 | Error |
533 | Could not write to file "%1".%2 | Error |
534 | Could not copy file "%1" to "%2". | Error |
535 | Could not move file "%1" to "%2". | Error |
536 | Could not delete file "%1".%2 | Error |
537 | Could not lock file "%1".%2 | Error |
538 | Could not create directory "%1".%2 | Error |
539 | Could not remove directory "%1".%2 | Error |
540 | Could not set the current directory for this process to "%1".%2 | Error |
541 | Could not open a change notification handle for directory "%1".%2 | Error |
542 | Could not wait on a change notification handle for directory "%1".%2 | Error |
543 | Parsed site control file "%1", serial number %2. | Informational |
544 | Wrote delta site control file "%1".%2 | Informational |
545 | Could not read site control file "%1".%2 | Error |
546 | Could not parse site control file "%1", the file contains a syntax error or it is improperly formatted or corrupt.%2 | Error |
547 | Could not parse site control file "%1", the file does not contain an end-of-file (EOF) marker.%2 | Error |
548 | Site control file "%1" does not contain a "File Definition" item.%2 | Error |
549 | Could not write delta site control file "%1".%2 | Error |
550 | Parsed installation map "%1".%2 | Informational |
551 | Could not read installation map "%1".%2 | Error |
552 | Could not parse installation map "%1", the file contains a syntax error or it is improperly formatted or corrupt.%2 | Error |
553 | Read registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
554 | Wrote registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
555 | Deleted registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
556 | Read registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
557 | Wrote registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
558 | Deleted registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
559 | Opened a change notification handle for registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
560 | Closed the change notification handle for registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
561 | Could not connect to registry hive %1 on computer %2. | Warning |
562 | Could not open registry key "%1" on computer %2 for reading. | Warning |
563 | Could not create or open registry key "%1" on computer %2 for reading and writing. | Warning |
564 | Could not read registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
565 | Could not write registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Informational |
566 | Could not delete the registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Warning |
567 | Could not enumerate the subkeys of the registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Warning |
568 | Could not open a change notification handle for registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Warning |
569 | The registry key "%1" on computer %2 is missing a required subkey or value, or contains one or more values that contain invalid data. | Warning |
570 | Could not read the registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Warning |
571 | Could not write the registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Warning |
572 | Could not delete the registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Warning |
573 | Could not enumerate the values of the registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Warning |
574 | The registry value "%1" on computer %2 contains invalid data. | Warning |
575 | Could not connect to registry hive %1 on computer %2. | Error |
576 | Could not open registry key "%1" on computer %2 for reading. | Error |
577 | Could not create or open registry key "%1" on computer %2 for reading and writing. | Error |
578 | Could not read registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
579 | Could not write registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
580 | Could not delete the registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
581 | Could not enumerate the subkeys of the registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
582 | Could not open a change notification handle for registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
583 | The registry key "%1" on computer %2 is missing a required subkey or value, or contains one or more values that contain invalid data. | Error |
584 | Could not read the registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
585 | Could not write the registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
586 | Could not delete the registry value "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
587 | Could not enumerate the values of the registry key "%1" on computer %2. | Error |
588 | The registry value "%1" on computer %2 contains invalid data. | Error |
589 | Creating "%1" trigger for "%2". | Informational |
590 | Dropping trigger "%1".%2 | Informational |
591 | Creating table "%1".%2 | Informational |
592 | Dropping table "%1".%2 | Informational |
593 | Creating index "%1" on table "%2". | Informational |
594 | Dropping index "%1".%2 | Informational |
595 | Creating stored procedure "%1".%2 | Informational |
596 | Dropping stored procedure "%1".%2 | Informational |
597 | Creating view "%1".%2 | Informational |
598 | Dropping view "%1".%2 | Informational |
599 | SQL Login data is incomplete.%1%2 | Error |
600 | Failed to get a SQL Server connection. Either the SQL Server is not running, or all connections have been used.%1%2 | Error |
601 | Failed to execute SQL command: "%1". Check messages from SQL Server.%2 | Error |
602 | The following SQL operation has timed out: "%1".%2 | Error |
603 | Failed to get new table name.%1%2 | Error |
604 | Failed to create table "%1".%2 | Error |
605 | Failed to rename table "%1" to "%2". | Error |
606 | Failed to add columns to table "%1". | Error |
607 | Failed to drop table "%1".%2 | Error |
608 | Failed to create index "%1" on table "%2". | Error |
609 | Failed to create procedure "%1".%2 | Error |
610 | Failed to create view "%1".%2 | Error |
611 | Failed to create trigger "%1".%2 | Error |
612 | Failed to drop procedure "%1".%2 | Error |
613 | Failed to drop view "%1".%2 | Error |
614 | Failed to drop trigger "%1".%2 | Error |
615 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL error %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Informational |
616 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL error %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Warning |
616 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL error %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Informational |
617 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL error %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Error |
617 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL error %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Informational |
618 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Informational |
619 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Warning |
619 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Informational |
620 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Error |
620 | Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message %1, severity %2: %3 Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Informational |
621 | Created the "%1" inbox definition. The inbox will exist on the Site Server with the relative path "%2". | Informational |
622 | Created the "%1" inbox definition. The inbox will exist on the SQL Server with the relative path "%2". | Informational |
623 | Created the "%1" inbox definition. The inbox will exist on the Client Access Point with the relative path "%2". | Informational |
624 | Created the "%1" inbox definition. The inbox will exist on the named export "%2" with the relative path "%3".%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
625 | Read the existing "%1" inbox definition. The inbox should exist on the Site Server with the relative path "%2". | Informational |
626 | Read the existing "%1" inbox definition. The inbox should exist on the SQL Server with the relative path "%2". | Informational |
627 | Read the existing "%1" inbox definition. The inbox should exist on the Client Access Point with the relative path "%2". | Informational |
628 | Read the existing "%1" inbox definition. The inbox should exist on the named export "%2" with the relative path "%3".%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
629 | Deleted the "%1" inbox definition.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
630 | Created an inbox rule to copy "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes. Files will be created in the destination inbox with the template "%5".%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
631 | Created an inbox rule to copy "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes. Directories will be created in the destination inbox with the template "%5".%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
632 | Created an inbox rule to move "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes. Files will be created in the destination inbox with the template "%5".%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
633 | Created an inbox rule to move "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes. Directories will be created in the destination inbox with the template "%5".%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
634 | Created an inbox rule to mirror "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes.%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
635 | Created an inbox rule to mirror "%1" directories that match the template "%1" from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes.%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
636 | Read the existing inbox rule to copy "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes. Files will be created in the destination inbox with the template "%5".%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
637 | Read the existing inbox rule to copy "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes. Directories will be created in the destination inbox with the template "%5".%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
638 | Read the existing inbox rule to move "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes. Files will be created in the destination inbox with the template "%5".%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
639 | Read the existing inbox rule to move "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes. Directories will be created in the destination inbox with the template "%5".%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
640 | Read the existing inbox rule to mirror "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes.%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
641 | Read the existing inbox rule to mirror "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox with a maximum delay of %4 minutes.%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
642 | Deleted the inbox rule to copy "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
643 | Deleted the inbox rule to copy "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
644 | Deleted the inbox rule to move "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
645 | Deleted the inbox rule to move "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
646 | Deleted the inbox rule to mirror "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
647 | Deleted the inbox rule to mirror "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
648 | Resolved the "%1" inbox to "%2". | Informational |
649 | Waiting for the "%1" inbox to be defined.%2 | Informational |
650 | Waiting for SMS_INBOX_MANAGER to create the "%1" inbox.%2 | Informational |
651 | Still waiting for the "%1" inbox to be defined.%2 | Warning |
652 | Still waiting for SMS_INBOX_MANAGER to create the "%1" inbox.%2 | Warning |
653 | Still waiting for the "%1" inbox to be defined.%2 | Error |
654 | Still waiting for SMS_INBOX_MANAGER to create the "%1" inbox.%2 | Error |
655 | Could not connect to the "%1" inbox source on computer %2. | Error |
656 | Could not create the "%1" inbox definition. (Could not insert the inbox definition into the "%2" inbox source on computer %3.)%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Error |
657 | Could not create an inbox rule to copy "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox. (Could not insert the inbox rule into the "%4" inbox source on computer %5.)%6%7%8%9%10 | Error |
658 | Could not create an inbox rule to copy "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox. (Could not insert the inbox rule into the "%4" inbox source on computer %5.)%6%7%8%9%10 | Error |
659 | Could not create an inbox rule to move "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox. (Could not insert the inbox rule into the "%4" inbox source on computer %5.)%6%7%8%9%10 | Error |
660 | Could not create an inbox rule to move "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox. (Could not insert the inbox rule into the "%4" inbox source on computer %5.)%6%7%8%9%10 | Error |
661 | Could not create an inbox rule to mirror "%1" files from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox. (Could not insert the inbox rule into the "%4" inbox source on computer %5.)%6%7%8%9%10 | Error |
662 | Could not create an inbox rule to mirror "%1" directories from the "%2" inbox to the "%3" inbox. (Could not insert the inbox rule into the "%4" inbox source on computer %5.)%6%7%8%9%10 | Error |
663 | Instructed SMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER to replicate file "%1" to the "%2" inbox at site %3. The replication will be scheduled as low priority.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
664 | Instructed SMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER to replicate file "%1" to the "%2" inbox at site %3. The replication will be scheduled as normal priority.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
665 | Instructed SMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER to replicate file "%1" to the "%2" inbox at site %3. The replication will be scheduled as high priority.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Informational |
666 | Could not instruct SMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER to replicate file "%1" to the "%2" inbox at site %3.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Warning |
667 | Could not instruct SMS_REPLICATION_MANAGER to replicate file "%1" to the "%2" inbox at site %3.%4%5%6%7%8%9%10 | Error |
668 | The system is low on virtual memory and the component failed a memory allocation. The component will retry the allocation until it succeeds.%1%2 | Warning |
669 | The component raised an exception but failed to handle it and will be stopped immediately. Component name: %1 Executable: %2 Process ID: %3 Thread ID: %4 Instruction address: %5 Exception code: %6 Additional information: %7%8%9%10 | Error |
670 | Failed to update the site control file.%1%2 | Error |
671 | Failed to read the site control file.%1%2 | Error |
672 | Failed to read registry.%1%2 | Error |
673 | Failed to copy file %1 to %2. | Error |
674 | Failed to open file %1.%2 | Error |
675 | Failed to connect to the inbox source..%1%2 | Error |
676 | Inbox %1 has not been created.%2 | Error |
677 | Required registry value %1 is empty.%2 | Error |
678 | Failed to update registry.%1%2 | Error |
679 | This component failed to retrieve the list of SMS sites from the site database. Possible cause: SQL Server problem. Solution: 1. Review the immediately preceding status messages from this component about SQL Server errors. 2. Verify that this computer can reach the SQL Server computer. 3. Verify that SQL Server services are running. 4. Verify that SMS can access the SMS site database. 5. Verify that the SMS site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full. 6. Verify that there are at least 50 SQL Server user connections, plus 5 for each SMS Administrator console. If the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs. | Error |
680 | Failed to delete file %1.%2 | Error |
681 | Failed to move file %1 to %2. | Error |
682 | The data file "%1" that was submitted by the client whose SMS unique ID is "%2", was rejected because the file was signed but the authentication key did not match the recorded key for this client. | Error |
683 | The data file "%1" that was submitted by the client whose SMS unique ID is "%2", was rejected because the file was not signed and an authentication key was required. | Error |
684 | The data file "%1" that was submitted by the client whose SMS unique ID is "%2", was rejected because the file was signed and this client does not require authentication. | Error |
686 | Component %1 on %2 is %3. | Informational |